SherLockd: Ein Escape Room für Alle in Wien!


You can find the rooms in the Märzstrasse 144 (Vienna, Austira). Please ring the doorbell SherLockd. Through the courtyard you can find us in the basement.

The rooms are in a cellar. Apart from the stairs leading down, you will not realise that you are not in a flat
We have a waiting room to welcome you, where you can help yourself some water
We have a bathroom should you need to use it

The quizmaster will give you all the information you need
He / she will answer any questions

From experience, most people forget about 90% of the tasks in a couple of days, so next time would be like a new challenge.

Yes, you can ask for help three times and we will direct you to the solution. We will not give you the exact answer, but give you instrucions and tips
Should you be stuck after the third occasion, the quizmaster can offer you further help based on his own judgement. Our aim is also for you to be successful.

There is no beginner or advanced room. It is not possible to rank the rooms as it is down to the individual which tasks he / she finds easier or more complex.

People with epilepsy
People disposed to panic, claustrophobia or distress
Children under 12

As the area is in a cellar, please let us know about any disability up front. We will do our best to find a solution so you can enjoy the game too.

No, not at all. Wear anything you find comfortable. Even though the rooms are in a cellar, you will not get dirty

Mobile phones or other forms of assistance are not allowed. We would like to ask you to silence, switch off or put your mobiles in flight mode before starting the game. We can see everything through the cameras. If you were to violate the house rules, we would have to stop the game straight away.